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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. Sorry for the delay this morning. I fired up the laptop and it decided that it needed to to an update. Running faster now. There is a little sunshine peaking through the cloud this morning in Townsend. It isn't supposed to rain today. More rain is in the forecast for the weekend.
Water levels continued to drop yesterday. I was surprised that it didn't rise as there was rain in the mountains. The stream flow gauge on Little River is giving a reading of 3.03 feet or 693 c.f.s. This is higher than the daily normal of 291 c.f.s. It is still pretty high and I don't recommend that you try wading. Some of the smaller streams might be in decent shape today. This is the kind of day that could either be tough and frustrating or epically good.
Water temperatures rose yesterday. It is up to 53F this morning. Today is going to be warm so that is going to rise even higher. If we can keep the water temps in the 50's for a week or so we will start to see the first bugs. I could definitely go for a timely spring.
The tailwaters are all running a bunch of water right now. TVA still needs to keep lake levels in check in preparation for other high water events this spring.
We have a lot going on this Saturday at the Shop. The FREE Fly Tying Demo is going to be Buzz Buffington, Steve Brown and Will Davis. Buzz is a treasure trove of information especially about fishing on the Clinch River. Steve Brown has been fishing this area for years also. Will is a relative newcomer to fly fishing and fly tying. He went to the Trout Unlimited Trout Camp at Tremont and the rest is history (well history soon to be written).
This Saturday we also have a Beginner Fly Tying Class. There is still space to get in on the class. The price is just $85.00. It is an all day class. If you've been thinking about tying flies this is a great way to start. Give us a call to reserve your spot 865-448-9459.
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Daniel Drake
February 15, 2018
Respond to: info@littleriveroutfitters.com |