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Welcome to the Fishing Report from Townsend, Tennessee in the Great Smoky Mountains. At 5:46 am, the temperature outside is 35.2 degrees.
Today and tonight will be warmer than yesterday. You may see frost on the ground this morning after daybreak. Each day this week will be pleasant, with a low chance for rain predicted Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
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Little River is flowing at 178 cubic feet per second (cfs) or 1.91 feet on the gauge. Median flow for this date is 76 cfs. The water temperature is 50.4 degrees this morning, at the low elevation gauge site in the Park near Townsend.
Most if not all streams in the Park are flowing at above median flow today.
We had freezing temperatures in the high elevations last night. Water temperatures in the high elevations will be chilly this morning. Fishing will be best in those areas, later today. The water in the low to mid-elevations is within the trout’s preferred temperature range right now.
Stream flows are excellent, especially for October, when they are normally very low.
Fishing is good and it will continue to be good through the week and through the coming weekend.
I think nymphs will work best. Try a Tellico, Prince, Hare’s Ear or Pheasant Tail. Other nymphs will work and some may produce better. I like these nymph patterns because they have always worked for me, for decades.
As the water warms, try dry flies if you want to. I would tie on a yellow or orange Stimulator, an Elk Hair Caddis or a Smoky Mountain Candy. If the trout are looking up, they should work.
Lowland river fishing should be good for smallmouth bass and rock bass.
Trout have been stocked in Little River through Townsend. Fishing is good in Townsend right now. The stream conditions are excellent. That will continue for a while.
Fly Tyers Weekend will be held this weekend. It is free. A huge tent will be erected behind the shop. Up to 20 fly tyers will be demonstrating at one time. They will change in shifts throughout the weekend, all day, Saturday and Sunday. All you have to do is show up.
There will be chairs at each tying table so you can sit down and talk about tying or fishing with the person you choose. You will have a great time, whether you tie flies or you don’t. You will be watching and talking to some well known tyers and fly fishermen from the Southeast US.
Fly Tyers Weekend has always been well attended. Dave and Daniel have arranged for parking across the street in the field. We can handle 50 cars in our parking lot too. Anthony Hipps from North Carolina always contacts and schedules the tyers and we could not put on an event like this without him.
I worked this weekend on Fishpond. I’m working on on a deadline. The new gear is now on our online store. You can see the new 2019 gear by CLICKING HERE. The items that had color changes are updated. Fishpond will be shipping everything to us the first week in November, hopefully. Now I need to update our own Fishpond website. I’ll have that done before Fly Tyers Weekend, so I can attend and enjoy the event. I’m really looking forward to it.
A bear, stood up, and put his nasty paws on my truck door, night before last. I looked around the truck for damage and found none. The truck is always unlocked, so a bear could get in if it wanted to. I do keep the keys in my office so they cant drive the truck. The bear also turned over a bucket of gardening tools in the carport.
I will be glad when they decide to hibernate so I can put our bird feeders out again.
Have a great day and thank you for being here with us.
Byron Begley
October 22, 2018
Respond to: byron@littleriveroutfitters.com
